Saturday, February 5, 2011


A lot of adult think that children will never be mature

They will always said 
"U r too young for this"


Children also can be mature no only adult

Dun u think that adult also act like a child?

Some adult also immature + childlish...

I wanna said 
even we are (Underage)
but we also had our right to involve in relationship...
Some adult think that relationship will hurt they own child
but do they even think that sometime thing can't avoide!

Dun Just  talk or  act like u are always right!
Prove to us that u are right!

We had our right in 

- Relationship

(I knw that every parent will care and scare for they own child to invole in any relationship
at mine age, but do even think that sometime you as a parent
 keep disagree by hitting her she will ran away from house. Is that more worse?
As for me, mine dad scold me for involve in relantionship by nag me but he 
never disagree cause he believe in me, even the ralationship
hurt me alot althought mine own brother heard me crying in the phone.)


- Friendship

(A lot of parent dislike they own child to go out without them or love to choose
friends for they own child scare they will choose the wrong one.
Come on! If u all wanna  your own child to grown up dun be so over potective
let they choose they own friend. 
A child that disiplin well will never pick the wrong one.)

-Choose our road

(Pls dun arrange everthing for us, let us choose our own road even it may
disappoint U. But is better that the thing that they dun like.
U r not them u dun knw wat they feel.
If they really like wat u arrange they will tell u.
Cause they are old enought to knw which road they really want.)

Even we are still young but we are not dumb!

We knw wat is right and wrong

Give us more trust.

Not only care

I knw that tust need to be earn.

But As a parent u also need to give us the chance to prove it,
even we disapointe u alot.

Not only other child.

Me also !

As For me I been bless to have mine family around with me=]

Jacaint Chang Will Also Change

Daddy And Brother Thank For Everything.

I no the girl will always be they own parent side because

i knw that i will also change.

I have mine own road, mine own future.

For Daddy,

#I always ur fat girl
I knw is hard for u to bring me up as a disiplin girl.
Cause i broke ur heart hundred time,
but u never give up.
I  blame u before
I hurt u before
But in the end i knw that is for mine own gud.
Even dad did not hit me like other family does
U let me do whatever i want.
Cause i knw is mine road to learn mature.#

For Brother,

#Always be ur baby sister 
I knw that u always worry about me,
U scare that i will get hurt
Scare that i become into a bad girl.
No matter whr i go u always be thr for me 
always support.
When the 1st time i involve in relationship
I cry and called u 
U told me that u will be with me
After that u msg me and told me that
how much u care for me and love me.
I thought u will scold me like u use to do but no.#

Because of mine family i knw who am 1.

I learn to be a brave girl even i not yet mature.
I'm Not Easy To Love But At Least I Knw That I Been 
Bless To Be In This Family.


Try to understand ur own child and also let u own child understand u!

【Sry for the Rojak English...Just type out the voice in mine heart =]】